Arms to Cot

Self-Paced Course

Establishing another connection and place for your baby to
confidently fall asleep

What is Arms to Cot Sleep Course all about?

Learn the tools you need to guide and support your baby confidently, responsively, and respectfully.

This course provides you with the knowledge and tools to navigate settling and supporting your baby's cot sleeping ability with confidence. Hi, I'm Jen, a Sleep Support Specialist, Registered Nurse, and a mother of three. I am here to coach and help you feel empowered through responsive approaches and realistic expectations so you can create a healthy sleep balance that works for your family.

Who is this course for?

  • You are looking to establish some healthy cot sleeping in your home so it becomes a sleep connection for your baby and an option you can use

  • You are no longer enjoying the sleep and settling process as much as you once were

  • You love contact sleeping or being the one that puts your baby to sleep, but you are also craving some time for you, maybe a break once in a while (your mind/body is aching for it)

  • You would love your baby to feel safe and secure in more than one sleep space and one way of falling asleep

  • Your baby just isn't finding sleep as easy as they once were. This is causing more sleep disruptions that has lead to short sleeps, broken nights and less quality sleep overall

  • You have been wanting a change but just don't know how or where to begin. Questions come up all the time around your baby's emotions, what to expect and how to respond without feeling like you are an awful parent

  • You are ready to learn responsive and gentle ways to help your baby to feel confident with cot sleeping

This course can be consumed over a day, or it can be completed section by section at a pace that suits your current situation

Get Step-By Step Arms to Cot Protocol, plus these BONUSES:

  • Arms to Cot Sleep Workbook

    Full of quick wins, information, and planning space to support you through this course and to help you come up with a plan to moving forward.

  • Daytime Sleep Guide

    Whatever age your child is we have routine options to suit! Creating a familiar pattern to your baby's day helps to regulate hormones (including ones for sleep), make for easier sleep transitions, and supports confidence and security. Use this as a helpful guide to establish a familiar flow to your day.

  • Supportive Handouts

    Includes handouts on temperament, tired cues, step-by-step flows to transition to cot sleeping, settling guidance

Ready to learn the tools to empower change in your home?

Sign up to Arms to Cot Self-Paced Course now and get instant access to get my step-by-step process of going from sleeping in arm to sleeping in cot!

© 2025 Sleep.Thrive.Grow Consulting