Motherhood Reflections and Simplifying Self-Care Moments for Any Parent Season with Sarah Cremona

Welcome to another dive into the beautiful chaos of motherhood and the juggle that comes with it. Today, we explore the complexities of balancing motherhood with other aspects of life and how to truly honour yourself amidst the demands. Joining me is Sarah Cremona, somatic motherhood mentor, coach, and facilitator who brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to this discussion. Here’s what we uncovered about navigating the motherhood juggle, finding balance, and implementing self-care in practical, everyday ways.

Embracing the Overwhelm

It’s common for mothers to feel overwhelmed with an endless to-do list and questions about sharing the load. These feelings of being overwhelmed aren’t unusual, and it’s okay to seek answers about balancing a career alongside motherhood or sharing responsibilities. Sarah helps us understand that acknowledging the weight we carry and honouring where we are in our journey is crucial.

The Motherhood Journey with Sarah Cremona

Sarah brings her expertise and personal insights into how she manages the motherhood juggle both in her professional role guiding other mothers and in her own life. Sarah emphasises the importance of recognising the cyclical nature of motherhood and the different growth and transformation phases we encounter.

Honouring Different Seasons in Life

Motherhood is a journey that evolves. Reflecting on her experience, Sarah highlights the importance of honouring the phase and cycle of life one is in. Every mother’s situation is unique, so it’s vital to appreciate our personal journey rather than comparing it to others.

Finding Balance from Within

One of the key takeaways from Sarah’s approach is that balance isn’t something external. Rather than attempting to control every aspect of our environment, it’s more about finding a sustainable internal balance and creating it for ourselves. Recognising that there will always be multiple demands and responsibilities and finding peace amidst the chaos is key.

Self-Awareness and Self-Care

Sarah underscores the significance of self-awareness in parenting. It involves understanding your own needs and recognising moments of overwhelm. Intentional self-care isn’t merely about pampering yourself but about energy management and honouring what you need. This can involve anything from mindful breathing to physical movement, or even simple actions like enjoying a coffee in the sun.

Practical Self-Care Tips

Self-care can be integrated into daily routines without requiring extra time or resources. Sarah suggests simple yet powerful examples like singing in the car, practising mindful breathing during daily tasks, or finding joy in small moments, such as having a cup of coffee in the morning sun. These practices help ground you and manage energy more effectively.

Communicating Your Needs

One of the hardest parts of self-care can be vocalising your needs. It’s vital to feel comfortable asking for small adjustments or moments for yourself. Over time, this practice builds resilience and sets a precedent for valuing your well-being.

Changing the Narrative for Children

Teaching our children how to express emotions healthily is part of breaking past patterns. Sarah and I both emphasise that modelling behaviours like acknowledging feelings and handling them constructively can set powerful examples for our kids. It’s about creating a safe environment where emotions, including anger, can be expressed without judgement.

Practical Tools for Energy Management

Sarah provides practical tools for energy management, emphasising that self-care doesn’t need to be an elaborate affair. Simple habits, such as habit stacking—combining routine tasks with mindful practices—and recognising and responding to personal energy levels throughout the day can make a significant difference.


In all, thriving in the motherhood juggle is about recognising the unique path each mother walks, honouring where we are at different stages, and finding self-care in daily practices. Sarah’s wisdom helps us see that balance is internal and created intentionally through small, mindful actions.

"Balance is not something you find; it’s something you create."

Balance isn’t about achieving something external but about cultivating an inner peace that allows us to navigate the demands of motherhood with grace and authenticity.

We hope this conversation has provided insights and practical tips to help you thrive in your journey of motherhood. Thank you for joining us, and until next time, keep thriving, Thrivers!


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